This is a list of New York City newspapers and magazines.
By circulation
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Total circulation, as of March, 2013:
- The Wall Street Journal (2,378,827 daily)
- The New York Times (1,865,318 daily; 1,438,555 Sunday)
- Daily News (516,165 daily; 674,104 Sunday)
- New York Post (500,521 daily; 386,105 Sunday)
- Newsday (377,744 daily; 433,894 Sunday)
- Akhon Samoy (Bengali weekly)
- amNewYork (free daily)
- Bay Currents (bi-weekly)
- Der Blatt (Yiddish-language weekly)
- Bronx Beat
- Bronx News
- Bronx Press-Review
- Bronx Times-Reporter
- Brooklyn Eagle (daily)
- Catholic Worker (monthly)
- The Chief (public service weekly)
- City & State (public service bi-weekly)
- Columbia Daily Spectator (weekly)
- Crain's New York Business (weekly)
- El Diario La Prensa (Spanish-language daily)
- Duo Wei Times (Chinese-language)
- Empire State News (daily)
- The Epoch Times (daily)
- Filipino Reporter (weekly)
- Five Towns Jewish Times (weekly)
- The Fordham Observer (bi-weekly)
- Gay City News (weekly)
- Gotham Gazette (daily)
- Haitian Times (weekly)
- Hamodia (daily)
- The Indypendent (monthly)
- The Irish Echo (weekly)
- The Jewish Daily Forward (weekly, Yiddish and English)
- Jewish Post of New York (weekly)
- The Jewish Press (weekly)
- The Jewish Week (weekly)
- Khasokhas Weekly (weekly)
- The Korea Times (daily)
- Long Island Press (monthly)
- The Main Street WIRE (bi-weekly)
- Metro New York (free daily)
- Ming Pao Daily News (free Chinese-language daily)
- Mott Haven Herald
- New York Amsterdam News (weekly)
- New York Daily News (daily)
- New York Law Journal (weekly)
- The New York Observer (weekly)
- New York Post (daily)
- The New York Times (daily)
- Newsday (daily)
- Norwood News (bi-weekly)
- Nowy Dziennik (Polish-language daily)
- Queens Chronicle (weekly)
- Queens Teens Voices (quarterly)
- Queens Tribune (weekly)
- Riverdale Press (weekly)
- Riverdale Review
- Show Business Weekly (weekly)
- Shukan NY Seikatsu (Japanese-language weekly)
- Sing Tao Daily (Chinese-language daily)
- Staten Island Advance (daily)
- Street News (every six weeks)
- Super Express USA (daily)
- Urdu Times (weekly)
- The Village Voice (free weekly)
- The Villager (weekly)
- The Wall Street Journal (daily)
- Washington Square News (daily)
- The Wave of Long Island (weekly)
- World Journal (Chinese-language daily)
- Der Yid (Yiddish-language weekly)
Several other newspapers serve the northern and western suburbs and Long Island.
Defunct newspapers
- Al-Hoda (Arabic-language daily)
- Brooklyn Times-Union
- The City Sun (weekly)
- Colored American (weekly)
- Daily Graphic
- East Village Other
- Freedom's Journal
- The Freeman
- Freie Arbeiter Stimme (Yiddish-language)
- Der Groyser Kundes (Yiddish-language weekly)
- Il Progresso Italo-Americano (Italian-language daily)
- Long Island Press (original daily)
- National Guardian (weekly)
- New York Ace
- New York Age / New York Age Defender
- New York Avatar
- The New York Blade (weekly)
- New York Clipper
- New York Daily Mirror
- New York Dispatch
- New York Enquirer (twice weekly)
- New York Evening Mail
- The New York Globe (two newspapers)
- New York Graphic
- New York Guardian (monthly)
- New York Herald (daily)
- New York Herald Tribune (daily)
- New York Journal American (daily)
- New York Mirror
- New York Press (historical)
- The New York Sporting Whip
- New York Sports Express
- The New York Sun (daily)
- New York Tribune (daily)
- New York World
- New York World Journal Tribune
- New York World-Telegram
- New Yorker Staatszeitung (German-language weekly)
- The Onion (free weekly)
- Other Scenes
- PM
- Rat Subterranean News
- Spirit of the Times
- Staten Island Register
- The Sun
Magazines with a primary focus on (parts or surroundings of) New York city
- Brooklyn Magazine (monthly)
- The Brooklyn Rail (monthly)
- City Limits Magazine (bimonthly)
- GO NYC (free monthly)
- The L Magazine (biweekly)
- L'Idea (quarterly)
- Manhattan, inc. (defunct; monthly)
- New York Magazine (biweekly)
- The New Yorker (weekly)
- Next Magazine (weekly)
- NYArts (quarterly)
- The Real Deal (monthly)
- Time Out NY (weekly)
Magazines published in New York
New York is not necessarily a focus of these magazines.
- Condé Nast Publications magazines
- Hello Mr. (biannual)
- Jacobin (quarterly)
- The New York Review of Books (biweekly)
- OnEarth Magazine (quarterly publication of NRDC)
- Vice (magazine published in New York)