
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Know 6 uses in everyday life, not just a hair dryer

Having beautiful and healthy hair is something everyone wants, especially for women who consider hair a precious crown. Hair dryers are a must-have beauty tool for anyone who crave for the perfect hair look.

Initially, the hair dryer's only function was to dry wet hair after shampooing. However, this tool has been found to be useful for everyday activities other than dressing up.

Find 6 uses of hair dryers you need to know, whether it's easy to clean or cook!

1. Melt the ice

Hair dryer that melts iceShutterstock.com

Some types of food should be stored inside freezer Or freeze it in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling. Melting ice generally takes a long time, but a hair dryer can speed up the thawing process without destroying the material.

Simply attach a hair dryer and hold it over the freezing area for 1-2 minutes to easily separate ingredients such as chops.

2. Temporary iron when pressed

Orange and blue shirt on hangerreview.com

For everyday use, tablecloths, shirts, or curtain cloths will definitely wrinkle in one area.Instead of taking the trouble of ironing out of the room laundry, Please use a hair dryer.

Spray water several times on the wrinkled area and blow with hot air from a hair dryer to dry. Soon, the cloth will be wrinkle-free.

3. Remove water stains on furniture

Stripes on the surface of the wood and water stainsrd.com

Often you don't notice the sudden formation of a ring of water after the surface of a wooden table has been left for a while. For those who don't have a glass base, this certainly happens especially when drinking cold drinks. Relax and take out your hair dryer.

Attach the end of the hair dryer muzzle and point it at the water loop. Make sure the air is cold at first, then slowly heat it up until the dirt disappears.

4. Clean the hardened melted wax

Melted candles that are still burningCleaning.lovetoknow.com

It is common to use candles to illuminate the room when the lights go out. Cleaning the hardened, melted wax is very difficult and may require scraping the surface of a burning table or furniture.

A simple tip to clean the wax is to use a hair dryer. Heat the wax with a hair dryer and wipe it off with a damp cloth. You can also use the same method to remove crayon stains.

5. Storage of leftovers

Store groceries in vacuum plastic bagslivingoncheap.com

Did your mom always remind you to keep your leftovers in a closed food box? Leftovers that are not exposed to the air can last a long time.

Wrap food scraps and groceries in a special plastic food wrap and direct warm air from the hair dryer around the plastic to make it appear to be attached to the food.

6. Remove the sticker without a trace

Hair dryer to remove stickers from behind black decorationhomehacks.com

Starting with price stickers for purchased furniture or decorative stickers for electronics, removing the stickers can leave unsightly marks. In fact, you only need to take advantage of the warm air from the hair dryer.

Direct the warm air from the hair dryer to the sticker you want to remove. If you pry the sticker slowly in the direction of the air, the sticker will come off without a trace.

Comb next to a pile of hair dryers and towelsShutterstock.com

Interestingly, what are the various uses of the above hair dryers? Who would have thought that this hair dryer, commonly used by women, would be useful in everyday life. Prepare a hair dryer in your home, ensuring you will definitely use it when you are pressed.

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/88840/kegunaan-pengering-rambut-di-hunian

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