
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The importance of keeping the waterways clean, here

Cleanliness is one of the things that every building, including private residences, must own. spot Often overlooked are drainage channels because they are in the corners and outside of the house. Although the cleanliness of this channel can affect the health of the inhabitants and promote water flow during the rainy season.

Imagine a dirty drain in your home. Mosquitoes nest and breed, drains are clogged with debris, foul odors are generated, and bacteria spread. You want this to happen to your family, right? Then it's time to start keeping the drains clean in the next way!

1. Do not throw trash in the drain

Keep the drain pipe clean Do not throw trash into the drainiradiofm.com

The most important and easiest way is not to dump the trash in the drain. Use the waterways properly. In other words, make it a drainage channel for water and remove foreign substances other than the water itself. Unfortunately, this easiest method is almost always ignored by the general public.

Some people find it cumbersome to throw their trash in the trash can, but instead just throw it in the drain where they find the household waste. If the drains look dirty or mossy, that doesn't mean that this place is a trash can. Accumulation of debris, of course, can clog waterways and cause floods.

2. Install the bar on the drain

Keep the drain clean Install the bar over the drainblogspot.com

What if a home resident is trained not to dump trash in the waterways, but a stranger does so? One way to do this is to install a small hole at the top of the channel. This allows irresponsible people to catch cluttered trash and easily wipe it out. Also, drainage channels do not have to be constantly monitored.

3. Separate chemical waste from drain

Keep the drain pipe clean Separate chemical waste from the drainGoogle COM

Domestic activities often produce chemical waste. For example, used wash water containing soap or bleach. It is true that both form water, but the chemicals they contain affect the surrounding ecosystem. Even more so if your waterways flow into the river. It is advisable to first neutralize the chemical waste before dumping it in the drain.

4. Regularly clean the drain from dirt

Keep the drain clean Regularly clean the drain from dirtGoogle COM

Even if you prevent the drains from being contaminated with human debris, they still need to be cleaned regularly. This is because leaf and twig debris can slip in and block the flow of water. The same is true for silt, which causes odor and drainage silt. Do this cleaning at least every few months. If necessary, check the condition of the drainage channel if it is cracked.

5. Drain rainwater into the porous area instead of the drain

Pour rainwater into the porous area instead of the drainGoogle COM

When it rains, the water that falls on the roof collects in the gutters. Some homeowners direct gutters to paved roads or waterways. This collects water in one place, increasing the risk of flooding.

It is advisable to drain the rainwater into a porous area.For example, parks and streets Pavement block. Therefore, the rainwater can be absorbed into the groundwater without stagnation for a long period of time, and the groundwater used later can be renewed.

Let's start cleaning the drain now! If necessary, invite people around you to make your environment cleaner and healthier and prevent floods.

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/76719/menjaga-saluran-air-tetap-bersih

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