Basically, the function of the wardrobe is as a place to store tidy and clean clothes. A wardrobe is essential for a clean and tidy home.
But in many cases, instead of being properly placed, the clothes actually accumulate in the wardrobe and get confused. If your wardrobe isn't clean, the items scattered around your wardrobe will make your room look cluttered.
The wardrobe is one of the most difficult to actually place due to the large number of items. The wardrobe contains a wide variety of clothing for different purposes and a variety of accessories. As a result, you only have to dig into the closet to find the clothes you want to wear.
In fact, if you don't know it and feel the situation makes sense, you actually had some bad habits that always clutter your wardrobe. Now, here's Kania reviewing bad habits that have turned out to keep your wardrobe cluttered. Are you one of them?
Do not organize clothes by category
This may sound trivial, but organizing your clothing by category or type of clothing is also very important for cleaning your wardrobe. First, you can make effective use of your wardrobe space by sorting by size and type of clothes, such as shirts, trousers, and clothes. dress.
Placing clothes based on this wardrobe category does not mean arranging them by color or type of clothing. Clothes and accessories can be arranged according to how often you wear them. Organize according to a group of styles, colors, or utilities.
If possible, make sure there are no duplicate placements in your wardrobe. This way it will be easier to find the clothes you want to wear.
Troublesome to clean the wardrobe
Another bad habit that clutters your wardrobe is that you have trouble cleaning it. This habit is very important in the condition of your wardrobe. The steps you can take are, for example, to make a regular schedule for cleaning your wardrobe once a month.
When cleaning your wardrobe, you can also sort out clothes that you no longer use, have never used, or need repair. This will leave free space in your wardrobe for other items. This habit of cleaning your wardrobe diligently is important to prevent your wardrobe from being overloaded and cluttered.
A habit that likes to take out the contents of the wardrobe
Another factor that can clutter your wardrobe is the habit of removing the contents of your wardrobe and delaying cleaning it up again. For example, when you go to an event, there is no doubt that you will choose clothes that are comfortable and comfortable to wear. Now, when you take out your clothes and choose them, don't forget to fold them.
Alternatively, you can hang your clothes.Make hanging clothes clothes hanger Must be selected to maintain durability clothes hanger A high-quality hanger that will not damage your clothes.
Put your clothes in your wardrobe as you like
It takes time to fold and sort clothes. However, the habit of arbitrarily putting things in the wardrobe clutters the wardrobe. As a result, the wardrobe is full. This habit will also be difficult for you if you want to choose the clothes you want to use.
If you need a more effective garment storage method, use a different color coat hanger to mark the garment type in your wardrobe. For example, hang a top on a pink hanger, or put on work clothes on a green hanger.You can also add cabinets like this: storage extra.
Does not insulate the wardrobe space
Mixing all kinds of clothes in one room is another reason why the wardrobe is always cluttered. In order to make a proper wardrobe, you also need a person who separates clothes. Another tip you need to pay attention to is the existence of wardrobe partitions.
Whenever possible, place underwear, a tie, or some plastic screen or clothing basket to store your jewelry in your wardrobe. Partitions can also be used to separate garments from different categories.
Don't waste the space under your clothes hanging in your wardrobe. Place a plastic storage container filled with clothes under it. If you have space to put a small chest, put it in your wardrobe.
You can also store folded clothes in drawers or boxes. Group according to the type of clothing and material. Then put a label on the front of the box. This procedure saves space and time.
If your wardrobe is full and you still need space to store other items, you can use towels and hangers in your wardrobe. This way your clothes will stay neat and tidy.
Why do you have to organize your wardrobe properly?
A neat wardrobe condition makes it easy for you to find all the clothes you have. In other words, you can avoid buying clothes that you already have in your wardrobe. You will be more economical, too.
You can also plan how to organize your wardrobe space. For example, write down the size of your wardrobe and make a note of the free space. Is there a better way to organize the items in the area?
Now do you already know why the wardrobe is often cluttered? Therefore, be careful when arranging your wardrobe so that your wardrobe is always clean and tidy!
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