
Friday, February 4, 2022

Understand the modern lifestyle according to experts and understand it before implementing it!

Modern lifestyles have always been a controversial topic. Some people want to change their lifestyle to suit the times and become more modern. But on the other hand, some people still want to live traditionally with the various routines that have been performed from generation to generation, such as rituals.

Men live a modern lifestyle using laptops and smartphonesfearbird.com

The concept of modern lifestyle itself can be interpreted as a phenomenon of social change, which is described as having high mobility, an attitude of trust in science and technology, and openness to accept progress in all fields.

According to Soerjono Soekanto, a lecturer at the Faculty of Sociology and Customary Law, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, modern lifestyles are defined as pre-prepared and planned social changes. Meanwhile, according to Wilbert E. Moore, the modernization process is a complete transformation of traditional or pre-modern coexistence in terms of technology and social organization to the economic and political patterns that characterize stable Western nations. It is defined.

This lifestyle change can have a significant impact on the human psyche, even if you don't know it. There are some examples of modern lifestyles that are currently very familiar with our daily lives, especially for your people living in big cities.

Modern lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle

Women lead a modern lifestyle with a healthy diet and exerciseShutterstock.com

Incorporating a modern lifestyle does not mean that you are living arbitrarily without adjusting your diet and health. And this is well recognized by advocates of modern lifestyles. The presence of celebrities and healthy lifestyle actors, especially on social media, is inspiring today's modern society.

Training rooms such as fitness centers and yoga are beginning to get crowded, and a variety of healthy eating patterns are beginning to emerge. Of course, the modern lifestyle isn't just about appearance, it's about how you can strengthen your soul to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

A modern lifestyle that leads a minimalist life

A modern lifestyle with minimalist interior designpinterest.com

The minimalist lifestyle is also an example of a modern lifestyle that applies to home interiors. Times and technology have influenced the lifestyle changes of people today. One of them is reflected in the inspiration for modern concept homes and dwellings.

Not only the arrangement of the room that looks simple, but also the selection furniture Sophisticated design and minimal decoration are the hallmarks of a dwelling for those who adopt a modern lifestyle. The concept of open space in a minimalist dwelling is also inspired by the concept of a modern lifestyle based on modernization and dynamic change.

Traveling the world is the main goal of modern society

Men planning vacations around the world as a modern lifestyleShutterstock.com

High mobility is one of the hallmarks of modern lifestyles. Today's modern society seems to be ruined, especially by the presence of advanced technology and the availability of various means of transportation and transportation services.

Vacations and travel are increasingly categorized as entertainment trends, especially for young people who adopt modern lifestyles.Regardless of the reality of life at the time, they Refreshing By visiting different places and countries.

Finding information via the internet is easy

Modern lifestyle by surfing the internet on your laptopShutterstock.com

In modern lifestyles, you always need to be connected to your environment, especially via the Internet. Not surprisingly, for those who adopt the modern lifestyle, electronic devices such as laptops and personal mobile phones with sophisticated features are indispensable today.

Those embracing the modern lifestyle are free to search and obtain information on the important events happening in the world and the topics of current conversations they need to know through the Internet.

Make social status important

Social status of people who adopt modern lifestylesShutterstock.com

In big cities, modern lifestyles mean that social status is important and are usually characterized by the appearance or brand of all kinds of goods owned and used, residential real estate, etc. People who stick to the modern lifestyle are also considered to have a self-orientation that tends to emphasize their own interests. Usually, they do not hesitate to oppose what they feel is or is not in breach of their interests.

The existence of a modern lifestyle is undeniable and real in front of us. Stay away from yourself whether you can take the good side of the modern lifestyle or fall asleep and sink into the bad side of this lifestyle. I hope this article will inspire you!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/92162/contoh-dan-pengertian-gaya-hidup-modern

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