
Saturday, February 12, 2022

Get to know 7 unique Jogro Houses!

Various jog house models you don't know

The Joglo house is a typical traditional house in Javanese land. Joglo House not only has its own charm and uniqueness, but also has philosophical value with the aesthetic appearance of the building structure, but its function is as relevant to modern society as it is today.

In fact, the Jog House is made up of several types, each with its own uniqueness. As an inspiration, this time Kania invites you to learn about the types of Joglo homes and their characteristics. So, to find out more, see the Kania article below, let's go!

Shinom Jog House

Shinom Jogro House ModelGoogle COM

The first type is Sinom Joglo House. This traditional Indonesian house has the concept of developing a joglo house with a mobile terrace. Characteristically, the Jogrosinom House has 36 pillars, four of which are the main major pillars or are also known as Saka's leading figures. Looking at the roof, the Jogrosinom House has four levels with four sides, each with one ridge.

Jogro Pangrawit House

Jogro Pangrawit House Modelpinterest.com

In addition, there is the Jogro Pangrawithouse model, which features the shape of a hanging symbol with a dome-shaped roof. There are one or more poles in every corner of the Joglo Pangrawit House. Today, the architectural design of the Jogropang Grawit House is widely used in modern homes and may be familiar to you when you look at it.

John Pongan Jogro House

John Pongan Jogro House ModelGoogle COM

There is also the Joglo John Pongan House, which features a roof with two ridge-like arrangements that extend to the left and right. In addition, Joglo Jompongan House is unique in its use of sliding doors and square floor plans. This type of home usually has less decoration or ornaments on the roof, as the overall design looks simpler than other Joglo homes.

Mangkurat Joglo House

Mangkurat Joglo house modelGoogle COM

Like other Joglo homes, this type has its own characteristics. If you look at the roof of the Joglo Mangkurat House, you can see that there are three levels with different slopes. On the other hand, in the middle of the roof of the Jogro House, it is usually taller.

Han Geng Jogro House

Han Geng Jogro House ModelGoogle COM

Compared to the Joglo Pangrawit or Mangkurat Houses, this Joglo House model has the largest main roof size. Apart from that, Joglo Han Geng's house is also equipped with a roving tiger tack that gives a magnificent impression like a palace.

Rawakanjogro House

Rawakanjogro House Modelpinterest.com

There is also a two-story Joglorawakan House with a simple roof model. The Joglorawakhan house also has a wide, sloping lower roof, but the top is tapered.

Rumah Joglo Baked Pe

House model grilled jogropeGoogle COM

The last is Lumajo Gropingampe, which has a history of being used both as a shop and as a residence. This Jogro House also has a character of 4 to 6 slopes. Another unique point is that this Joglo House falls into different types such as Empyak Setangkep, Gedhang Setangkep, Gedhang Salirang, Trajaumas, Barengan and CereGancet.

Each of the Joglo houses above has its own unique characteristics, which can generally be seen in the shape of the roof and the ornaments used. Are you interested in creating exotic and historic homes like Lumajogro in this modern age? You can carry the modern Jog House concept you know!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/116483/jenis-jenis-rumah-joglo

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